Today is 3/14/2025

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Power Speak

You can speak in front of people-all it takes is a little planning and a willingness to grow as a person. You're probably never going to get rid of the nervousness, the anticipation... but that's good!

You can turn your nervousness into positive energy that helps you speak with enthusiasm and attention-grabbing strength. Public speaking can be fun! Don't let it get the better of you!

In Power Speak, Jeffrey B. McMullen helps people learn how to develop the confidence and poise they need to "hold the floor" when they must speak in public. This 60-minute keynote presentation or half- or full-day workshop demonstrates a step-by-step process to help people communicate effectively - whether they're talking to a next door neighbor or a board of directors.

Jeffrey helps his audiences transform nervous energy into positive energy, and shows them how to use their minds and bodies to communicate effectively. He introduces them to tools such as props, stories and illustrations that can help improve their presentation.

Discover the Audience

To communicate effectively, there must be a sender and a receiver. You can't just send a message, you must help people want to receive the message.

Jeffrey helps people understand the needs of an audience. He shows them techniques they can use to:

• Identify audience needs
• Identify ideal results
• Gauge the enthusiasm/approach needed
• Project conviction
• Be assertive in motivating an audience to listen

Communication is a Whole Body Experience! Public speaking is a physical experience. From the "butterflies in the stomach" to the wobbly knees and the sweaty palms, public speaking, affects your body.

Jeffrey teaches relaxation exercises that can relieve the stress, and introduces methods to predetermine your mind for a successful speaking event.

He also shows you how to use your physical presence to make your presentation better!

Jeffrey teaches his audiences to use their self-image to put enthusiasm into their presentations. He demonstrates how facial expressions and body posture can add zest.

Handle Any Speaking Event!

There are simple, effective, step-by-step techniques to organize a speech. Jeffrey teaches a process that helps audience members understand their strengths and choose approaches suited to their abilities.

He discusses the one-minutes speech, the speaker introduction and the impromptu speech. He demonstrates how to use stories, jokes, props, and simple physical demonstrations, such as magic, to obtain audience approval.

Speak with power - Jeffrey McMullen shows you how! For more information about a specially customized program to increase productivity in your organization, please contact me: